
Corsair desktop keyboard key replacements are not only possible but easy

Corsair desktop keyboard key replacements are not only possible but easy

Posted by on 16th Mar 2024

Corsair makes some great desktop and gaming keyboards, these keyboard are great for everyday business tasks, but more often they are known for their gaming keyboards, but when gaming only a few keys are used, the W A S D keys and the up, down, left and right directional keys, so because of the repeated usage the fonts or the paint on these keycaps will loose its appeal, it may even completely disappear altogether, but here is where we come in, when corsair designed these keyboard they were already prepared for this situation and their decision was to make each key on their keyboards replaceable!  Each key is replaceable and its very simple, but with corsair they sell their keyboard key replacements as a complete kit, we on the other hang sell individual keys instead as most customers only need to replace certain keys, the keys are 100% OEM Corsair so you will get perfect fit and finish, but remember the double shot version of the keys are just that, double shot meaning it will last longer than the original.

With these keys, to replace you would first turn off the computer, pull up the keycap itself and the new key will simply plug and play, make sure to test out the keyboard afterwards and you are done after that.  In short corsair keyboard key replacement are simple and easy to replace, so if you are missing a key or have a worn keyboard, you can replace one key at a time.

If you need a corsair cherry mx keyboard key cap you can use the link below to get a replacement.