
Laptop Keyboard Cleaning Tips

28th Jan 2015

It is very important to keep your laptop keyboard clean and free of debris. This will allow it to function smoothly and properly, and avoid keyboard damage. In order to clean the keyboard on your laptop or notebook computer, you must first shut it down. Next you will detach the keyboard connector. It is important that you do not detach or reconnect the keyboard when your computer is on. This can lead to damage.

You can use a can of compressed air to clean your laptop keyboard. Simply flip the keyboard over, and proceed to spray the air thoroughly over the hardware. Dirt, dust, hair and debris will likely blow out. Afterward, you should flip the keyboard back over, and give it a gentle tap. Any remaining debris will fall out.

As for the sides of the laptop computer keys, you can clean these with cotton swabs. Some isopropyl alcohol will help if you are cleaning off any stains or residue. It is also an option to remove each keyboard key separately with a flathead screwdriver. You can gently pry each key up, and it will pop off. After all keys are removed, use the can of compressed air to blow out any dirt and debris from the laptop. Avoid all liquids when cleaning this hardware. As for each separate key, you can clean these individually before replacing them (snapping them back in).